Sat Sep 07 2024 08:35 PM
Career With Us +1 (504)270-1111


Effective from: 01st January 2024

Welcome to moCal, where we prioritize a safe, secure, and productive environment for all our users. This Acceptable Use Policy outlines the guidelines and standards that govern the use of our services. Our commitment is not only to offer a premier scheduling and time management platform but also to ensure that every interaction within this digital space aligns with legal and ethical standards.

This policy applies to all users of moCal, including subscribers, clients, partners, and any individual accessing our services. It is imperative that you understand and comply with these guidelines to maintain the integrity of your interactions and to protect the moCal community's broader interests. These rules are in place to foster a responsible, respectful, and legally compliant environment for everyone.

Adhering to this policy is mandatory. Non-compliance can lead to actions ranging from warnings to suspension of service and legal action, depending on the severity of the violation. We encourage you to read this policy carefully. Your continued use of moCal’s services signifies your acceptance of these terms and your agreement to abide by them. This policy is integral to our mission of providing a reliable, efficient, and ethical service to our diverse and valued user base.

Scope and Applicability:

This Acceptable Use Policy extends to all aspects of moCal's services and platforms, encompassing every user who interacts with our system. It is applicable to all forms of data, content, and communications facilitated through moCal, whether they are conducted on our main platform, through integrations, or via any associated applications and tools.

The policy is relevant to individual users, businesses, teams, and any entities utilizing moCal for scheduling, time management, communication, and related activities. This includes, but is not limited to, the creation and sharing of calendar events, use of email and messaging services, data storage and processing, and any interaction with moCal’s software and hardware infrastructure.

Adherence to this policy is mandatory for all users, regardless of their subscription level or geographical location. By accessing and using moCal's services, users agree to comply with the guidelines and restrictions set forth in this policy. Failure to do so may result in appropriate remedial actions as outlined in the policy.

General Use and Conduct:

Under moCal's Acceptable Use Policy, users are expected to utilize the platform in a manner that is respectful, professional, and aligned with the intended purposes of the software. This includes adhering to standards of ethical conduct and legal compliance in all activities facilitated through moCal.

Users are responsible for their behavior on the platform and must refrain from actions that could harm the integrity or usability of moCal for others. Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  1. Illegal Activities: Engaging in any unlawful actions or conducting business that violates local, national, or international laws.
  2. Harassment and Abuse: Any form of harassment, bullying, or abusive behavior towards other users is strictly forbidden.
  3. Inappropriate Content: Sharing or distributing content that is obscene, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate.
  4. Security Breaches: Attempting to undermine the security or integrity of the moCal platform, including unauthorized access to other accounts or data.
  5. Spamming and Unsolicited Contacts: Sending unsolicited bulk messages or engaging in spamming activities.
  6. Misrepresentation: Impersonating others or providing misleading information about one’s identity or intentions.

moCal encourages a collaborative and productive environment. Users must ensure that their use of the platform contributes positively to this ethos and does not infringe upon the rights or usage experience of others. Non-compliance with these guidelines may lead to suspension or termination of access to moCal services.

Prohibited Activities:

moCal's Acceptable Use Policy strictly prohibits certain activities to maintain a secure, respectful, and effective environment for all users. Engaging in any of these activities may result in immediate suspension or termination of access to moCal services:

  1. Illegal Conduct: Using moCal for any unlawful purposes or in violation of any applicable law, regulation, or legal agreement is strictly forbidden.
  2. Malicious Activities: Introducing malware, viruses, or any other malicious code designed to harm or secretly access the system or data is prohibited.
  3. Harassment and Offensive Content: Engaging in harassment, intimidation, or the dissemination of hate speech, obscene or offensive content, or materials is not tolerated.
  4. Unauthorized Access or Hacking: Attempting to gain unauthorized access to moCal’s systems or data or to another user’s account, or conducting any form of network surveillance that can intercept data not intended for the user.
  5. Spam and Phishing: Sending unsolicited bulk messages, conducting phishing activities, or using moCal to distribute spam.
  6. Intellectual Property Violations: Infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others, including pirating software or content, or using moCal to distribute unauthorized copyrighted materials.
  7. Fraudulent Activities: Engaging in deceitful or fraudulent activities, such as impersonation or misrepresentation.

Users are responsible for ensuring their activities on moCal do not encompass these prohibited behaviours, aligning with the policy's intent to foster a safe and productive environment.

Content Standards:

moCal's Acceptable Use Policy sets high standards for content shared or created within its platform to ensure a professional, respectful, and legally compliant environment. Adhering to these standards is crucial for all users:

  1. Accuracy and Integrity: Content must be accurate, providing reliable information without misleading users. It should uphold the integrity and reputation of moCal.
  2. Respect and Inclusivity: All communications should be respectful, free from discriminatory, offensive, or harmful language. Content that promotes inclusivity and respects diversity is encouraged.
  3. Legality: Content must comply with applicable laws and regulations. It should not involve or promote illegal activities, including but not limited to copyright infringement, defamation, or the promotion of illegal substances.
  4. Professionalism: Content should reflect a professional demeanor, suitable for a business context. This includes appropriate language, tone, and presentation.
  5. No Harmful or Dangerous Content: Avoid sharing content that could cause physical, emotional, or digital harm to others. This includes avoiding posting of sensitive personal information without consent.
  6. No Spam or Commercial Content: Unsolicited promotional or commercial content is not permitted. This includes spamming users with advertisements or self-promotion materials without context or relevance.

By maintaining these content standards, moCal aims to foster a constructive, secure, and professional environment for all its users.

Data Security and Privacy:

moCal is deeply committed to ensuring the highest levels of data security and privacy. This commitment is reflected in our Acceptable Use Policy, which outlines key measures:

  1. Robust Data Protection: moCal employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect user data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. This includes advanced encryption, secure network architecture, and regular security audits.
  2. Privacy Compliance: We adhere strictly to privacy laws and regulations, ensuring that user data is handled responsibly. Our policies are designed to respect user privacy and inform users about data usage transparently.
  3. User Control: Users have significant control over their data, including options to access, modify, or delete personal information. moCal empowers users to manage their privacy settings in line with their preferences.
  4. Confidentiality Assurance: All data processed by moCal is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Our employees and contractors are bound by strict data confidentiality agreements, ensuring that user information is not misused or disclosed inappropriately.
  5. No Unauthorized Sharing: moCal prohibits the unauthorized sharing or distribution of any user's personal or sensitive information. This ensures that the privacy of user data is not compromised.

By prioritizing data security and privacy, moCal aims to provide a secure and trustworthy platform for its users, ensuring peace of mind and fostering a secure digital environment.

Intellectual Property Rights:

moCal's Acceptable Use Policy rigorously upholds and respects intellectual property rights, both of moCal and its users:

  1. Protection of moCal's Intellectual Property: All content and features within moCal's platform, including underlying software, interfaces, logos, and service marks, are the exclusive property of moCal or its licensors. Users must refrain from any acts that infringe upon these rights, such as unauthorized copying, modification, or distribution.
  2. User-Generated Content: Users are responsible for ensuring that their content does not violate any intellectual property laws. This includes securing the necessary permissions for any copyrighted material or proprietary content they upload or share on moCal.
  3. Prohibition of Infringement: moCal's policy strictly prohibits users from engaging in any activity that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others. This includes unauthorized use of copyrighted material, trademarks, patents, or other protected works.
  4. Reporting Infringements: moCal provides a mechanism for users to report suspected intellectual property infringements. Swift action is taken to address these claims, respecting both legal obligations and the rights of the intellectual property holders.
  5. License to Use: By uploading content to moCal, users grant a limited license to moCal to use, modify, publicly perform, display, or distribute such content as necessary for the provision of services.

Through these guidelines, moCal fosters a respectful environment where the creativity and intellectual property of all individuals are valued and protected.

Network Usage and Limits:

Under moCal's Acceptable Use Policy, specific guidelines are set for network usage to ensure optimal service quality and fair access for all users:

  1. Fair Use of Network Resources: Users are expected to use moCal’s network resources responsibly. This means avoiding excessive bandwidth consumption that could negatively impact the system performance or user experience for others.
  2. Restrictions on Harmful Practices: Activities like distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, spamming, or any other practices that could jeopardize the network integrity or the service quality for other users are strictly prohibited.
  3. Data Transfer Limits: moCal may impose reasonable data transfer limits to maintain overall network performance. Users will be notified of such limits and should adhere to them to avoid service disruptions.
  4. Monitoring Network Performance: moCal routinely monitors network performance to identify and mitigate potential issues, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience for all users.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: All network activities must comply with relevant laws and regulations. Unauthorized access, network intrusion, and the violation of privacy rights are strictly against moCal’s policy.

These measures are essential for maintaining the robustness and reliability of moCal’s services, ensuring all users benefit from a secure and efficient network environment.

Compliance with Laws:

moCal emphasizes strict adherence to all applicable laws and regulations in its Acceptable Use Policy:

  1. Legal Compliance: Users of moCal must ensure that their use of the service complies with all local, state, national, and international laws. This includes regulations pertaining to data protection, privacy, intellectual property, and electronic communications.
  2. Avoidance of Illegal Activities: Engaging in illegal activities or using the service for unlawful purposes, such as fraud, theft, or spreading malware, is strictly prohibited.
  3. Adherence to Export Controls: Users must respect export control laws and not use moCal to transfer software, technology, or other technical data to prohibited countries or entities.
  4. Respect for Intellectual Property Laws: Compliance with intellectual property laws is paramount. Users must not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of others.

By ensuring compliance with legal obligations, moCal maintains a trustworthy and legally sound environment for all its users.

Google API Services User Data Policy:

moCal app adheres strictly to the Google API Services User Data Policy, ensuring that the protection and privacy of all data is in compliance with the Limited Use requirements. For full transparency and understanding of how moCal safeguards data in line with these standards, please review the policy here: Google API Services User Data Policy

User Responsibilities and Account Management:

moCal’s Acceptable Use Policy outlines critical responsibilities for users, particularly in managing their accounts:

  1. Account Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials. This includes using strong passwords and not sharing login details with others. Any unauthorized access or use should be immediately reported to moCal.
  2. Accurate Information: Users must provide accurate and current information during account registration and keep this information updated. This ensures effective communication and adherence to regulatory requirements.
  3. Responsible Use: Users are expected to use moCal in a responsible manner, respecting the platform's intended use for scheduling and time management. Misuse of the platform for spamming, harassment, or other disruptive activities is strictly prohibited.
  4. Compliance with Policies: Users must adhere to all applicable moCal policies, including the privacy policy and terms of service. This ensures a safe and productive environment for all users.
  5. Data Management: Users are responsible for managing the content they create, schedule, or share on moCal. This includes respecting privacy and confidentiality obligations, particularly when handling personal or sensitive information.

By following these guidelines, users contribute to maintaining moCal’s efficiency, security, and reliability, ensuring a positive experience for all stakeholders.

Enforcement and Reporting Violations:

moCal takes the enforcement of its Acceptable Use Policy seriously to maintain a secure and reliable environment:

  1. Monitoring and Enforcement: moCal actively monitors for violations of its policy. The platform reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to suspension or termination of service, in cases of policy infringement.
  2. Reporting Mechanism: Users are encouraged to report any suspected violations of the Acceptable Use Policy. moCal provides a clear and accessible reporting mechanism, typically via an email address or a dedicated section on the platform, where users can confidentially report any inappropriate activities or security concerns.
  3. Response to Violations: Upon receiving a report, moCal's team investigates the issue promptly. If a violation is confirmed, appropriate corrective actions are taken, which may involve notifying the offending party, removing content, or restricting account access.
  4. Transparency in Actions: In situations warranting disciplinary action, moCal aims to maintain transparency with the involved parties, explaining the nature of the violation and the reason for the action taken.
  5. User Cooperation: Users are expected to cooperate in investigations of misuse or violations. This cooperation is pivotal in upholding the integrity and security of the platform.

Through these enforcement measures, moCal strives to uphold its commitment to providing a secure and respectful digital environment for all users.

Review and Modifications:
  1. Regular Reviews: moCal is committed to regularly reviewing and updating its Acceptable Use Policy to reflect the evolving digital landscape, user feedback, and legal requirements. These periodic assessments ensure the policy remains effective, relevant, and aligned with industry best practices.
  2. User Feedback and Collaboration: Input from users is highly valued, and moCal encourages feedback on the policy. This collaborative approach fosters a community-centric environment where users can contribute to the safety and efficiency of the platform.
  3. Transparency in Updates: When significant changes are made to the policy, moCal ensures to communicate these updates transparently to its users. Notifications of policy revisions are typically disseminated through user dashboards, email announcements, or direct messages within the platform.
  4. Adaptability and Responsiveness: In an ever-changing digital environment, moCal's approach to policy modification emphasizes adaptability and responsiveness, ensuring the platform remains a secure and user-friendly space.
Acknowledgment and Agreement:
  1. Informed Acknowledgment: By utilizing moCal’s services, users acknowledge having read, understood, and agreed to abide by the Acceptable Use Policy. This acknowledgment forms the foundation of a responsible and secure user environment.
  2. Binding Agreement: Users’ continued use of moCal signifies their binding agreement to adhere to the policy’s guidelines and any future amendments. This commitment is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of the moCal platform.
  3. Responsibility to Stay Informed: Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the policy to stay informed of any changes, ensuring ongoing compliance and a harmonious user experience within the moCal community.
Contact Information and Resources:

For any inquiries or need for clarification regarding moCal’s Acceptable Use Policy and to report violations, please contact our dedicated support team at You can also access detailed guides, FAQs, and additional resources on our website to better understand our policies and your responsibilities as a user.